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Start chatting with TMChat now!

TMChat, a small chat tool with a self-written TCP/IPv4 communication library, TMSocket.

Supported Compiler

Compiler Platform Target C++11 C++14 ~ C++20
GCC 7 ~ GCC 11 Linux x86_64 -m64 Perfectly supported Perfectly supported
Clang 12 ~ Clang 14 Linux x86_64 -m64 Perfectly supported Perfectly supported
MSVC 19.37 Windows (64-bit) x64 Not supported Supported
MSVC 19.37 Windows (64-bit) x86 Not supported Compiler warnings
Apple Clang 13 macOS arm64 -m64 Supported Supported


How to build


# Requires GNU Autotools and GNU Make

$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make -j$(nproc)

And the target build/lib/libtmsocket.a, build/bin/tmchat_server and build/bin/tmchat_client will be built.

Then install it:

sudo make install

After installation, you can use the third party library libtmsocket.a:

#include <tmsocket/include/server_communicator.hpp>
#include <tmsocket/include/client_communicator.hpp>

with link option -ltmsocket and use the chat tool:

$ tmchat_server
$ tmchat_client


Use Visual Studio

Open TMChat.sln with Visual Studio 2022 or later versions, choose a target platfrom (Release x64 recommended) and then build the solution.

Then the target server.exe and client.exe will be built.

Use MSBuild

You can also use MSBuild to build the targets. If so, you should have MSBuild in your path. You can add it to your path manually or use “Developer command Prompt for Visual Studio”.

You can run Build.cmd to build and run Clean.cmd to clean, or run the following command in cmd:

> MSBuild ".\TMChat.sln" [options]

The options can be:


> MSBuild ".\TMChat.sln" "-t:Build" "-p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64" "-m:8"

Then the target server.exe and client.exe will be built in the directory below:

  Debug Release
x86 src\Debug src\Release
x64 src\x64\Debug src\x64\Release


# Requires GNU Autotools and GNU Make

$ autoreconf -i
$ CXX='clang++ -std=c++11' ./configure
$ make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)

And the target build/lib/libtmsocket.a, build/bin/tmchat_server and build/bin/tmchat_client will be built.

Then install it:

sudo make install

After installation, you can use the third party library libtmsocket.a:

#include <tmsocket/include/server_communicator.hpp>
#include <tmsocket/include/client_communicator.hpp>

with link option -ltmsocket and use the chat tool:

$ tmchat_server
$ tmchat_client